Research Center REACH

Reaching out the SDGs through REACH

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations are a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure peace and prosperity for all by 2030. At REACH (Research Excellent in Advancing Community Health), we are committed to contributing significantly to these global goals through our focused research, community engagement, and innovative health initiatives.

Commitment to SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being

Our primary mission aligns closely with SDG 3, which aims to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. Through our cutting-edge research and community health programs, we address critical health issues such as non-communicable diseases, infectious diseases, and maternal and child health. By fostering innovation in health technology and practices, we work to improve health outcomes and access to quality healthcare services.

Advancing SDG 4: Quality Education

Education is a powerful tool for achieving sustainable development. At REACH, we support SDG 4 by providing education and training opportunities for future health researchers and practitioners. Our programs are designed to equip them with the necessary skills and knowledge to lead and innovate in the health sector. This commitment helps to build a skilled workforce that can effectively address health challenges and improve community health standards.

Promoting SDG 5: Gender Equality

Gender equality is a cornerstone of sustainable development. Our research at REACH pays special attention to the health needs and rights of women and girls, particularly in the areas of reproductive health and maternal care. We advocate for policies and practices that support gender equality in health access and outcomes, ensuring that women receive the care and support they need.

Supporting SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation

Access to clean water and sanitation is fundamental to health. Our initiatives often include components that address the intersection of health and environmental sustainability, ensuring that communities have access to safe and clean water, which is crucial for preventing waterborne diseases and promoting overall health.

Enhancing SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

By conducting research that informs health policies and practices, we contribute to creating healthier work environments and promoting decent work. Our focus on occupational health and safety aims to reduce workplace-related illnesses and injuries, thereby supporting economic growth through a healthier workforce.

Fostering SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities

Inequality in health access and outcomes is a major barrier to development. REACH is dedicated to reducing health disparities through targeted research and interventions that reach underserved and marginalized populations. By addressing social determinants of health, we strive to ensure that everyone, regardless of their background, has access to quality health services.

Commitment to SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals

Collaboration is key to achieving the SDGs. REACH works in partnership with government agencies, academic institutions, healthcare providers, and community organizations. These collaborations enhance our capacity to conduct impactful research and implement effective health programs that contribute to sustainable development.


At REACH, our work is deeply intertwined with the SDGs, and we are proud to contribute to these global efforts through our research and community health initiatives. By addressing health issues comprehensively and inclusively, we aim to foster a healthier and more equitable world, in line with the aspirations of the SDGs.

You can see our impact to SDGs at researchers’ profile.

Mentoring Riset dan Publikasi bersama peneliti REACH

Mentoring Riset dan Publikasi Bersama

Setiap tahun, para peneliti dari REACH (Research Excellent in Advancing Community Health) menyelenggarakan kegiatan mentoring riset dan publikasi yang dirancang khusus untuk mahasiswa S1 hingga S3, serta para dosen di seluruh Indonesia. Program ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas dan kuantitas penelitian serta publikasi ilmiah dari akademisi Indonesia, melalui bimbingan langsung dari para peneliti berpengalaman.

Tujuan dan Manfaat Program

Program mentoring ini bertujuan untuk:

Meningkatkan Kualitas Penelitian: Peserta akan dibimbing dalam setiap tahapan penelitian, mulai dari perumusan masalah, metode penelitian, pengumpulan dan analisis data, hingga penulisan laporan penelitian.
Mempublikasikan Hasil Penelitian: Program ini memberikan panduan langkah demi langkah untuk mempublikasikan hasil penelitian di jurnal bereputasi nasional dan internasional. Peserta akan belajar tentang persyaratan jurnal, proses peer review, dan cara mengatasi tantangan dalam publikasi.
Mengembangkan Jaringan Profesional: Melalui program ini, peserta akan memiliki kesempatan untuk berinteraksi dan berkolaborasi dengan peneliti lain, baik dari dalam negeri maupun luar negeri, memperluas jaringan profesional mereka.
Memperoleh Pengakuan Akademik: Dengan menghasilkan penelitian berkualitas tinggi dan mempublikasikannya, peserta akan meningkatkan kredibilitas akademik mereka dan mendapatkan pengakuan dari komunitas ilmiah.
Rincian Program

Program mentoring ini mencakup berbagai kegiatan, antara lain:

Workshop dan Seminar: Sesi ini akan membahas topik-topik penting dalam penelitian dan publikasi ilmiah, seperti penulisan akademik, etika penelitian, dan strategi publikasi.
Sesi Bimbingan Individu dan Kelompok: Peserta akan mendapatkan bimbingan personal dan kelompok dari para mentor yang merupakan peneliti senior dengan rekam jejak publikasi yang kuat.
Konsultasi Manuskrip: Para mentor akan memberikan umpan balik konstruktif pada draf manuskrip peserta, membantu mereka memperbaiki dan mempersiapkan manuskrip untuk pengiriman ke jurnal.
Simulasi Peer Review: Peserta akan mengalami proses peer review secara simulatif, mendapatkan wawasan tentang bagaimana menanggapi komentar reviewer dan memperbaiki manuskrip mereka.
Pendaftaran dan Seleksi

Program ini terbuka untuk semua mahasiswa dan dosen yang berminat dalam penelitian kesehatan komunitas. Pendaftaran dilakukan secara online melalui situs resmi REACH, dengan proses seleksi berdasarkan kualitas proposal penelitian yang diajukan.

Testimoni Peserta

“Program mentoring REACH sangat bermanfaat bagi perkembangan akademik saya. Bimbingan dari mentor yang berpengalaman membantu saya menyelesaikan penelitian saya dengan baik dan mempublikasikannya di jurnal internasional.” – Dr. Nurus, Peserta Program Mentoring 2023.

Dengan berpartisipasi dalam program mentoring riset dan publikasi REACH, peserta tidak hanya meningkatkan kemampuan penelitian dan publikasi mereka, tetapi juga berkontribusi pada peningkatan kesehatan masyarakat melalui penelitian berbasis bukti.

Bergabunglah dengan kami dan jadilah bagian dari upaya kolektif untuk memajukan kesehatan komunitas di Indonesia.

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