Research Center REACH

Perawat dan Gaji Dunia Keperawatan

Sekit kaget ketika mampir ke situs, disitu tertulis gaji perawat berkisar puluhan juta rupiah, bagi yang tidak percaya silahkan langsung menuju TKP 🙂
Nikita Septi Ristianti – Perawat – Lahir: 1986 Indonesia

Tahunan: IDR 25.697.619,00
Bulanan: IDR 2.141.468,00
Mingguan: IDR 513.952,00
Harian: IDR 102.790,00
Maya – Perawat Rumah Sakit – Lahir: 1988 Indonesia

Tahunan: IDR 29.880.952,00
Bulanan: IDR 2.490.079,00
Mingguan: IDR 597.619,00
Harian: IDR 119.523,00

Berapa gaji Kamu ? Silakan isi di Survei Gaji
Nelly Halanskaya – Perawat – Lahir: 1957, Belarus – Menikah – Anak: 1

Tahunan: IDR 16.623.099,00
Bulanan: IDR 1.385.258,00
Mingguan: IDR 332.462,00
Harian: IDR 66.492,00
Olesya Pushkareva – Perawat – Lahir: 1988, Belarus – Menikah – Anak: 1

Tahunan: IDR 14.930.662,00
Bulanan: IDR 1.244.222,00
Mingguan: IDR 298.613,00
Harian: IDR 59.723,00
Elaine Johnson – Perawat – Lahir: 1960, Afrika Selatan – Anak: 2

Tahunan: IDR 66.864.425,00
Bulanan: IDR 5.572.035,00
Mingguan: IDR 1.337.288,00
Harian: IDR 267.458,00
Trish Cale – Perawat – Lahir: 1960, Afrika Selatan

Tahunan: IDR 26.745.994,00
Bulanan: IDR 2.228.833,00
Mingguan: IDR 534.920,00
Harian: IDR 106.984,00
Grada Nederlof – Perawat – Lahir: 1949, Belanda – Sendiri – Anak: 2

Tahunan: IDR 435.734.136,00
Bulanan: IDR 36.311.178,00
Mingguan: IDR 8.714.683,00
Harian: IDR 1.742.937,00
Sandra Kleefstra – Perawat – Lahir: 1978, Belanda – Anak: 1
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IASSCS seeks to strengthen the field of social and cultural research on sexuality globally, including the development of research capacity, giving priority to the crucial need for diversity in this field of inquiry. Its mission is informed by the principles of social justice and human rights, with a focus on sexual rights and gender equality, as expressed in documents such as the Cairo Programme of Action, CEDAW and the UNGASS Declaration on HIV/AIDS.

IASSCS is pleased to announce a small research grants competition for researchers, with the objective to promote research capacity development and research dissemination during 2012. This new initiative is in line with IASSCS’ mission to strengthen research and research capacity globally in socio-cultural dimensions of sexuality, with special attention to countries where sexuality research is not well-developed. With financial support from the Ford Foundation, this initiative represents an important opportunity to strengthen IASSCS’ role and presence as an international research capacity-building institution.

The IASSCS Research Grant Program
A total of 10 small grants will be offered to early career researchers in each of the five regions constituting the Association (two per region, see regions below). These grants are intended to develop research in, or related to, the Global South and to encourage diverse methodological approaches to understanding sexuality. The newly formed IASSCS Research Development and Training Committee will oversee the program.

For the purposes of this program, early career researchers refers to graduate students within academic institutions, or to individuals based within organisations that have existing research capacity. Each applicant is required to demonstrate that her/his submitted proposal will either result in the completion of a Ph.D. degree, a peer-reviewed journal publication, or (for non-academically based applicants) is likely to contribute to strengthening sexuality research capacity in the host institution.

This research grants program will:
· Assist early career researchers in the:
o Completion of a graduate degree, the subject of which focuses on sexuality-related issues, or
o Undertaking of research that contributes to the strengthening of research capacity within their organisation
· Support and encourage early career researchers to share their research results, and broaden knowledge on sexuality issues at an international level.
· Support the development of social and cultural approaches to sexuality research in the five regions constituting the Association, prioritizing the Global South.
· Promote the development of diverse methodological and theoretical approaches to understanding sexuality.

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